Most Enthusiast Computational Lab App and Games in 2016

About year 2016, we develop any android app and games. And here is list of the most unexpected enthusiast Computational Lab App and Games in 2016:

Caliper Digital

Even though we made a lot of caliper apps, the mostly downloaded app is Caliper Digital, it's about 300 active user per day.

Neck Caliper

This app is another kind of our caliper simulator. The gameplay is not much different with another caliper. With traffic about 70 active user per day, its unexpected app that we tough previously not much as that amount of users.

Digital Abacus Calculator

Digital Abacus Calculator is one of unexpected app that have about 100 active user per day. At the beginning of production, actually we not seriously made this app, the only our purposes is just how add digital view on abacus. But after few days after launching times, and we see the increment graph of downloader. So we add few of features and fixing bugs. And the result, this app is one of our top enthusiast apps in 2016.


Although there are more qibla apps in google play, but our qibla is be one of our top enthusiast apps in 2016. Could be this app we created based on method that you can see at video below:

Math Equation Test

This app is one of unexpected app that have enthusiast of user than another our similar app. 
Although with little traffic, but every day there is at least have one downloader. We hope the traffic of this game will as same as the Digital Abacus Calculator in the future.

Fraction Fraction

This game we created in middle of December 2016, but if we see the traffic of this app, this app will be as same as Math Equation Test app, just in faster time.

Date Calculator

Date Calculator is one of our paid app. Rather than our another paid app, this app is mostly downloaded app. Perhaps its because of the uniqueness concept that we bring on it. Its perform math operation base on date data.


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