Date Calculator

One more, Computational Lab., Dept. of Physics, UB release new android app today, 1 Juli 2015. This app called as Date Calculator and have functionality as general calculator, but with different method where the calculation is based on date data. It's that mean all math operation on this app is basically to optimize user to do math calculation accordingly date math operation. And so in this calculator we will not find minus value, because in Julian Date the minimum value is zero.

Date Calculator - screenshot 
Figure 1.

The main idea of Date Calculator is because mostly of us do math calculation based on date data. especially for give dateline to some project, with just type number of day that given, we need to make sure what the date is it happen. However the math operation is the basic operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but if we directly calculate manually, sometimes could be little difficult and we have to see calender to validate. 

For example, like in screenshot Figure 1, to look 72 days what date after today, 1 Juli 2015, if we need to trace manually per day until 72'th day, we need to consider the number of days in a month, to know what day will be happen. But with Date Calculator, we will get the result is 11 September 2015, at Friday easily just on single click. 

Date Calculator you can get on Google Play with the Link below. This app is not free because we not add advertisement inside it. Try Date Calculator, you can calculate based on date easily.


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