Find Qibla Direction with Android App

Qibla App is simple app that can be used to find Kabaa direction for moslem prayer. This app need Compass and GPS sensor on your android device to calculate the angle of your location to Kabaa position, where the position of Kabaa we set at 21.422523 latitude and 39.826184 longitude based on Google Maps. And also this app compare the distance based on longitude value between from the right and from the left Kabaa position, so the calculation take the nearest direction of your location. Smaller accuracy is better calculation of this app. Below is screenshot and link of Qibla app:

Qibla App
Qibla App

yow can download at link below:

If you want to see, the basic concept how we make this app, you can learn our youtube video tutorial below:
Thank for using our app.


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