
Play Collision Physics Games with Ball to Ball Games

Ball to Ball is simple physics game that represent of collision effects. The game play is simple, you just need to drop the golden balls with the silver ball. For every ball you can dropped, you will get the score and the total score will shown in the end of games. You can get this app free at:

Do Math Operation with Abacus 100

Abacus 100 is simple tool that can be use for do calculation with abacus. With display number value, its will be guide and help to the children who firstly use abacus and do math calculation with it. You can download this app free at link below: here the screenshot of Abacus 100 app And if you want to know the basic idea how we build this app with Greenfoot, you can see at video tutorial below:

Math Operation Crossword Puzzle Game

Math Cross Puzzle is math game that let you to learn basic math operations like as additioan, subtraction, multply and devide in crossword puzzle game style. The game play is you must put the numbers on the right places. and press submit button to see how many scores that you can get it. For every correct puzzle you will get 10 score, and the Total Score is show you are as Beginner, Competent, Pro, or Expert. Let try our this game and hope you enjoy it. you can get this app at:

Most Enthusiast Computational Lab App and Games in 2016

About year 2016, we develop any android app and games. And here is list of the most unexpected enthusiast Computational Lab App and Games in 2016: Caliper Digital Even though we made a lot of caliper apps, the mostly downloaded app is Caliper Digital, it's about 300 active user per day. Neck Caliper This app is another kind of our caliper simulator. The gameplay is not much different with another caliper. With traffic about 70 active user per day, its unexpected app that we tough previously not much as that amount of users. Digital Abacus Calculator Digital Abacus Calculator is one of unexpected app that have about 100 active user per day. At the beginning of production, actually we not seriously made this app, the only our purposes is just how add digital view on abacus. But after few days after launching times, and we see the increment graph of downloader. So we add few of features and fixing bugs. And the result, this app is one of our top enthusiast apps in 2...

Let Solve Your Math Problems by Chat Style with Math Chat

Math Chat is one of our edu apps that developed from Equation Calculator app, and its part of our game engine development. This app let you to calculate math problem by typing the equations and with chat style. Its also will give you the best numerical approximation of unknown values that contained in the equations. More smaller error value, indicate the approximation is more precision. Thank for using our app and let learn math with math chat. You can get this app at link below:

Learn Basic Math Operation with Math Addition and Subtraction Game

Math Addition and Subtraction is math puzzle game about addition and subtraction. The gameplay is just place the number to the correct places and press submit button. Beware at placing the puzzle, because its will be determine how many score that can be get it. Early, we just only set addition and subtraction operations, but on our development, we also add multiplication and divisions operations. You can get this app free at Let play our math game and have fun!

Let Play Math Addition and Substraction of Fractions by Android

Fraction Fraction is simple puzzle game about fraction addition and substraction. The gameplay is just place the fraction to the correct places, and press submit button. Beware at placing the puzzle, because its will be determine score that can be get it. You can get this app free at Let play and have fun!